Story of the Tentacle Cow

Tentacle cows came about from the fact that one should not fuck with nature, as it will fuck you back. Jurassic park movie and novel franchises should be enough proof of that.  But no Mankind is stupid and thinks that it can play god.  They started as a Grad student’s doctoral thesis, of combining Jelly fish DNA with your average Holstein, that’s a cow for those that don’t know what the FFA is. I mean we have glow-in-the-dark rodents, fish, cats and dogs, even some primates it’s been done, but someone really wanted to see if they could get a cow, to produce glow-in-the-dark milk.  Because the dairy industry needs some reninvigorizing according to some, just ask those that think that chocolate, vanilla, and strawberry along with other flavored milks aren’t enough and all milk needs sugar, to increase sales.

Like most research techs this particular grad student followed the rules of bad practices in the lab.  Don’t think this is a thing, check scientific history, all artificial sweeteners where discovered through bad lab practice, involving food and bad hygiene in a lab; penicillin, food in the lab.  The effects of high doses of radiation, an oops with the demon core.  Science is half luck good or bad just depends on view point and what the discovery actually is.  In the case of Tentaclecows ©™ a little too much Jellyfish was left in the DNA selected. So while the cows and milk originally glowed-in-the-dark, after the a few generations along with the coming of the Rifts, some dormant factors activated, and what was once a simple cow, became much, much worse, because science.

Tentaclecow, mutations lead to them not only glowing, but growing tentacles out of their backs, that like their jellyfish genetic donors are packed with Cnidocytes.  Both male and females grow a pair of tentacles out of the sides of their heads, that later calcify into horns. These horns remain packed with viable and active Cnidocytes that make their horns even more dangerous. Bull males tentacles tend to grow longer and are used against other animals and rival males, over mates and territory.  The females tentacles tend to remain on their backs like juveniles, to ward off prey and males, only the fiercest males manage to successfully propagate their species.

Started in mid-michigan and herds may be as large as 4d6 animals typically about a dozen,  with a dominant male, they have spread south into the Illinois and Ohio region, and west into southern Wisconsin, North and East into Canada.  While they do not have any natural enemies, except humans and other humanoids as a herd will take over an area and push out any larger animals.  They are Omnivores, subsisting primarily on any vegetation, they however will eat any animals they kill or carrion they come across. Turtles are the only exception to this, as turtle for an unknown reason are immune to the Cnidocytes and toxins produced, Carnivorous turtle species have been seen eating tentaclecow corpses, and even some of the larger turtle have been observed attacking them in bodies of water.  It has been theorized by some scholars that have learned of their origins that the immunity and desire for their flesh may lay in the genes that are shared with sea turtles that feed on jellyfish in the oceans.

Adult Male Tentaclecow
Juvenile Tentaclecow
Adult Female Tentaclecow

Tentaclecow NPC Animal

Alignment: Animals; generally considered to be selfish alignment.

Attributes: Animal attributes are very consistent and offer a smaller range of attribute aptitude.

 I.Q. Low animal intelligence (1D4), M.E. 1D6, M.A. 1D6, P.S. 20+1D6, P.P. 10+1D6, P.E. 14+1D6, P.B. 2D6+2, Spd 20+2D4; a minimum speed of 22 (15 mph/24 km).

Hit Points: 4D6X10

S.D.C.: 2D6x10

Horror Factor: 4; 16 when charging an opponent.

Size: 10-14 feet (3 to 4.3 m) long; about 7 feet (2.1 m) at the shoulders.

Weight: 1200-1600 pounds (544 to 726 kg)

Average Life Span: 25 years.

P.P.E.: 4D6

O.C.C.: None; animal.

Natural Abilities: Fair speed, can run without pause and without exhaustion for three hours, poor vision, keen sense of smell

R.C.C. Combat: Attacks/Actions Per Melee: 4

Damage: Kick with hind legs does 4D6 S.D.C., kick/stomp with front legs 2D6 S.D.C., head butt 2D4, bite does 1D4 S.D.C., running ram with horns: 1D6x10 S.D.C.+  2D8x10 poison as below- plus human-sized opponents are knocked 2D4 yards. Tentacles 4D6 SDC + 2D8x10 poison nature of toxin effects both SDC and MDC creatures in same category of damage.

R.C.C. Bonuses: +1 to strike, +1 to dodge, and +2 to save vs horror factor.

Magic: None

Psionics: None

Enemies: Turtles, the only creatures that seem to be immune to their toxic nature.

Allies: None

Value: None, meat is toxic to most species, their toxins are difficult to extract, may be offered bounties to clear out a herd as they will take over an area.

Habitat: Plains and prairies of Michigan expanding north and east into Canada, south and west into Ohio, Illinois, and Wisconsin. Typical herd numbers are about 4D6 with a dominant male, typically about a dozen.